Contact Information:

  • Telephone- 870-774-4091 (Church Secretary’s name is Mary)

  • Fax - 870-773-3138

  • Church E-Mail -

Who Are We:

Christ Church is a Global Methodist Congregation.

  • We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments represent the historical narrative of the work of God in restoring fallen humanity and a fallen Creation back into relationship with God. As such we affirm that the Scriptures are the sufficient authority for both Christian belief and practice. We affirm that God has inspired these writings so that every generation of humanity can know the truth about the nature, will, and work of God.

  • We are connected to Historical Christianity by our affirmation of the great Creeds developed by our Forefathers in the faith. We affirm the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Definition of Chalcedon as authoritative expressions of Christian belief.

  • We are connected to Wesleyan Christianity by our affirmation of distinctive emphasizes such as; 1. Prevenient Grace- God’s Grace seeks humanity even when humanity doesn’t seek God. God the Father pursues sinners and desires their redemption.

    2. Saving Grace- God’s Grace, expressed in His Son’s sacrifice on the Cross, is for all sinners who are willing to embrace it. Jesus’ sacrifice, in which He takes our sins upon Himself as if He committed them, is sufficient to remove the guilt of our sin and restore us into relationship with God. 3. Transforming Grace- God’s Grace is sufficient to overcome the power of sin in human life. Through the work of the Holy Spirit our way of thinking and living is being transformed to “Love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength” and to “love our neighbor as our self.”