Prison Ministries


Our church began this ministry by going to the local Juvenile Detention Center and leading a Bible study every Monday evening. Like all our church ministries our church’s involvement began with concerned lay people inspiring us to get involved. Over the years it has expanded to include the following;

  • JDC (Juvenile Detention Center) visitation and devotionals on Mondays at 6:30. We have volunteers who minister to three groups, girls, boys, and FINS who are not there for law violations but due to terrible situations in their homes. Our church gives leather bound Bibles to the kids. We also sponsor a Christmas party for the kids. If you would like more information contact Carol Watts via text or call at 903-824-3468. (TEMPORARILY NOT MEETING AT THIS TIME)

  • SWACCC (Southwest Arkansas Community Correction Center) Bible study on Tuesdays at 6:30. Both Bible study and singing is provided. If you would like more information contact Christ Church at 870-774-4091. (TEMPORARILY NOT MEETING AT THIS TIME)

  • SWACCC worship service on the second and fifth Saturdays at 6:30. Preaching and singing are included. If you would like more information contact Christ Church call at 870-774-4091. (TEMPORARILY NOT MEETING AT THIS TIME)

  • SWACCC mentor program in which individual mentors spend time with Chaplain selected inmates during their incarceration. The purpose is to help them become prepared for re-entry when they have finished the program. If you would like more information contact Christ Church call at 870-774-4091. (TEMPORARILY NOT MEETING AT THIS TIME)

  • SWACCC Bible supply through our Bible Ministry by giving 100 Bibles yearly to the Chaplain’s office for distribution to new inmates.

  • Prayer quests from the inmates are gathered and prayed for each week by members of our church.

  • We also donated 50 hymnals to the SWACCC chapel for use by us and any other church who does services there to use.