WINGS Women’s Group
W.I.N.G.S. stands for “Women in God’s Service”. The Group’s purpose is to,
To know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
To grow in Faith, Hope, and Love as we seek to become better servant leaders.
To develop a supportive fellowship as we seek to feel the heart of God.
To support outreach ministries beyond the walls of our church building.
To mentor younger generations of church women to an awareness of mission opportunities and to develop vision for future mission endeavors.
We meet on every second Tuesday of each month at 10:00. At each meeting lunch is provided and an inspirational program presented.
We do several fundraising events each year. Funds raised are used in various mission ministries including sponsoring school food “Backpack” programs in both Fouke and Genoa Schools, providing students with new shoes for Christmas, as well as other smaller ministries throughout the year.
All women are invited to attend meetings. We realize that not all women can come to morning meetings but all are invited to participate in any of the mission outreaches.